Week Before Your Wedding

Notice: I will book budget photography jobs per request. I am retired from photography. Please ignore my package/pricing. I will only take budget customers per request. I served Ventura County for over a decade. I have photographed hundreds of weddings. Email me: (home at venturaphoto dot com).

* If you have a normal budget, I am not a photographer for you. And PLEASE, I will not work for free. Expect to pay something. It takes me 5 hours just to get ready.

1-2 weeks before your wedding - Need your information.

Please download this excel file

  • Fill out as much as you can.
  • Email the file back to me.

If you are unable to open excel file, download this text file

  • Fill out as much as you can.
  • Email the file back to me. 

If you cannot download/open Excel or Text file. copy below text and email back to me.

Thank you very much.
 - John Park -

Copy Below

Please double check everything, Spelling, numbers

Personal & Contact Information 
Wedding Date 
Bride's Name 
Groom's Name 
Contact phone # - 1 
Contact phone # - 2 
Phone # on event date #1 
Phone # on event date #2 

Photography Before Wedding ? 

Hotel Room Numbers where bride and groom get ready - if applies 
Name of the place 
Bride's room number 
Groom's room number 


Photography after ceremony? 


Anything I need to know 
Is it tricky to find the site? 
"Any divorced parents to be careful about?" 
Anything else? 

Balance, billing 
Your current balance is (        )
Check written to "John Park Photography"
John Park's Phone number on the day of event 
Home 805.384.1995
Cellular Phone 805.982.0180 - Cell-phone will be turned on on your wedding day
